

The configuration property theme is used for specifying the theme. Rio will look in the themes folder for the theme.

You can see common paths for the themes directory here:

Note: Remember to replace "YOUR_USERNAME" with your actual user name.


In the example below, we will setup the Dracula theme for Rio. The theme can be downloaded from github.com/dracula/rio-terminal.

After downloading the dracula.toml file, move it inside the folder themes in the configuration folder.

#  ~/.config/rio/config.toml
theme = "dracula"

It should look like this:

Dracula theme example

Another option would be to install the Lucario color scheme for Rio terminal, by moving the downloaded file to ~/.config/rio/themes/lucario.toml and setting the theme property:

#  ~/.config/rio/config.toml
theme = "lucario"

Lucario theme example

You can find more than 250 themes for Rio terminal in this repository: mbadolato/iTerm2-Color-Schemes/tree/master/rio.

Building your own theme

Building your own theme for Rio is very straightforward.

Simply create a new theme file in your configuration themes folder (E.g. ~/.config/rio/themes/foobar.toml) and choose your preferred colors:

Note: Missing fields will use the default for Rio.

# ~/.config/rio/themes/foobar.toml

background = ""
foreground = ""

# Selection
selection-background = ""
selection-foreground = ""

# Navigation
tabs-active = ""
tabs-active-foreground = ""
tabs-active-highlight = ""
tabs-active-foreground = ""
bar = ""
cursor = ""
vi-cursor = ""

# Search
search-match-background = ""
search-match-foreground = ""
search-focused-match-background = ""
search-focused-match-foreground = ""

# Regular colors
black = ""
blue = ""
cyan = ""
green = ""
magenta = ""
red = ""
tabs = ""
white = ""
yellow = ""

# Dim colors
dim-black = ""
dim-blue = ""
dim-cyan = ""
dim-foreground = ""
dim-green = ""
dim-magenta = ""
dim-red = ""
dim-white = ""
dim-yellow = ""

# Light colors
light-black = ""
light-blue = ""
light-cyan = ""
light-foreground = ""
light-green = ""
light-magenta = ""
light-red = ""
light-white = ""
light-yellow = ""

After that all you have to do is set the theme property in your configuration file.

# ~/.config/rio/config.toml
theme = "foobar"

Proud of your new theme? Why not share it on the Rio Discord!