


  • Use max frame per seconds based on the current monitor refresh rate.
  • breaking renderer.max-fps has been changed to renderer.target-fps.
  • Fix background color for underline and beam cursors when using transparent window.
  • Fix IME color for underline and beam cursors.
  • Add default for Style property on Sugarloaf font.


  • Support auto bold on fonts.
  • Support auto italic on fonts.
  • Reduced default regular weight to 300 instead of 400.
  • MacOS: Add dock menu.
  • MacOS: Add Shell and Edit menu.
  • MacOS: Support to native modal that asks if wants to close app.
  • MacOS: Fix confirm-before-quit property.


  • Introduce cursor.blinking-interval, default value is 800ms.
  • Fix blinking cursor lag issue.
  • performance: Use Vec (std based) instead of ArrayVec for copa.
  • Fix adaptive theme background color on macos.
  • Decorations as Transparent is default on MacOS.
  • Navigation mode as NativeTab is default on MacOS.
  • keyboard.use-kitty-keyboard-protocol is now false by default.
  • Add support for msys2/mingw builds release #635 by @Kreijstal.


  • developer.log-file has been renamed to developer.enable-log-file.
  • breaking: CollapsedTab has been renamed to Bookmark.
  • Memory usage reduced by 75% (avg ~201mb to 48mb on first screen render).
  • Implemented font data deallocator.
  • Reduced font atlas buffer size to 1024.
  • Added lifetimes to application level (allowing to deallocate window structs once is removed).
  • Migrated font context from RwLock to Arc<FairMutex>.
  • MacOS does not clear with background operation anymore, instead it relies on window background.
  • Background color has changed to #0F0D0E.
  • Fix font emoji width.
  • Fix MacOS tabbing when spawned from a new window.


  • Support to iTerm2 image protocol.
  • Fix: Issue building rio for Void Linux #656.
  • Fix: Adaptive theme doesn't appear to work correctly on macOS #660.
  • Fix: Image background support to OpenGL targets.
  • Fix: Unable to render images with sixel protocol & ratatui-image #639.
  • Implement LRU to cache on layout and draw methods.
  • Reenable set subtitle on MacOS native tabs.


  • Introduce: renderer.max-fps.
  • Fix: Cursor making text with ligatures hidden.
  • Fix: Underline cursor not working.
  • Fix: sixel: Text doesn't overwrite sixels #636.
  • Initial support to Sixel protocol.
  • Support to fonts.emoji. You can also specify which emoji font you would like to use, by default will be loaded a built-in Twemoji color by Mozilla.

In case you would like to change:

# Apple
# [fonts.emoji]
# family = "Apple Color Emoji"

# In case you have Noto Color Emoji installed
# [fonts.emoji]
# family = "Noto Color Emoji"
  • Support to fonts.ui. You can specify user interface font on Rio.

Note: fonts.ui does not have live reload configuration update, you need to close and open Rio again.

family = "Departure Mono"
  • breaking: Revamp the cursor configuration


cursor = '▇'
blinking-cursor = false


shape = 'block'
blinking = false


  • Experimental support to Sixel protocol.
  • Clipboard has been moved to Application level and shared to all windows.
  • Replace run with run_app.
  • Support CSI_t 16 (Report Cell Size in Pixels).
  • Support CSI_t 14 (Report Terminal Window Size in Pixels).
  • Fix on all the issues regarding whenever the font atlas reaches the limit.
  • breaking change: collapsed tabs use now tabs-active-highlight instead of tabs-active.
  • Default font for UI has changed to DepartureMono.
  • Performance: drop extra texture creation and manipulation.
  • Fix on windows: If editor is not found, the app panics #641.
  • Improvements on window.background-image as respect width and height properties if were used.
  • Macos: remove grab cursor when dragging and use default instead.
  • Fix tabs-active-highlight config key #618.
  • Add tabs-active-foreground config key #619.
  • Add tabs-foreground config key.
  • use-kitty-keyboard-protocol is now true as default.
  • Remove tokio runtime.
  • Allow configuring with lowercase values for enums.
  • Rename hide-cursor-when-typing to hide-mouse-cursor-when-typing.
  • Cleanup selection once happens a resize.
  • Windows: Reduce WM_PAINT messages of thread target window.


  • Refactor/Simplify close tabs logic internally.
  • Fix: NativeTab margin top when hide-if-single is true.
  • Fix: Search bar width on 1.0 dpi screens.
  • Fix: Windows - The behavior of using a complete shell command and a shell command with parameters is inconsistent #533.
  • X11: Replace libxcursor with custom cursor code.
  • Fix: Kitty keyboard protocol shifted key codes are reported in wrong order #596.
  • Fix: Mouse pointer hidden (Ubuntu Wayland) / Cursor icon not changing #383.
  • Enable search functionality as default on Linux.
  • Enable search functionality as default on Microsoft Windows.
  • Add command for closing all tabs except the current one (CloseUnfocusedTabs)


  • Search support.
  • New theme properties search-match-background, search-match-foreground, search-focused-match-background and search-focused-match-foreground.
  • Fix bug Tab indicator doesn't disappear #493.
  • Fix color automation on tabs for linux.
  • Update tabs UI styles (make it larger and able to show more text when necessary).
  • Corrections on underline render proportions for different DPIs.
  • Support writing the config to a custom/default location via --write-config (Ref: #605).
  • Fix scale update on transitioning between screens with different DPI.
  • Support a short variant (-w) for --working-dir argument.


  • breaking: Introduced a new property in theme called tabs-active-highlight, default color is #ff00ff.
  • breaking: Removed breadcrumb navigation.
  • breaking: Introduced a new property in theme called bar, default color changed is #1b1a1a.
  • breaking: CollapsedTab is now default for all platforms.
  • Tab UI got some updates.
  • Introduce navigation.hide-if-single property (Ref: #595).
  • Performance update: Remove lock dependencies on render calls.
  • Performance update: Render repeated styled fragments as one rect.
  • Sugarloaf API has changed from Sugar primitives to Content.
  • Fix: [editor] overshadow headerless parameters in default config. (Ref: #601)



Editor property have changed from String to allow input arguments as well.


editor = "vi"


program = "code"
args = ["-w"]
  • Fix: editor doesn't handle arguments #550.
  • Fix: Weird rendering behaviour on setting padding-x in config #590.
  • Upgrade Rust to 1.80.1.


  • Support custom colors on all underlines.
  • Support for advaned formatting (squiggly underline?) #370
  • Performance improvements!
    • Cache strategy has improved to cover any line that have been previously rendered.
    • Render backgrounds and cursors in one pass.
  • Update tokio


  • Fix Bug cell disappearance #579.
  • Fix Bug Rendering problem with TUIs using cursor movement control sequences in rio (v0.1.1+) #574.
  • Changed default font family to Cascadia Code.
  • Changed default width to 800 and default height to 500.


  • Fix Bug Text Rendering Bug #543.
  • Fix Abnormal font display and incomplete Navigation content display #554.
  • Fix Bug switch tabs doesn't work #536.
  • Update Cascadia Code to 2404.23.
  • Change Cascadia builtin font from ttf to otf.
  • Improvements for mouse selection.
  • Performance improvements for background renders for all navigations besides Plain and NativeTab.
  • Fix Cursor blinking is triggered by changes in inactive tabs #437.
  • Fix key bindings when key is uppercased (alt or shift is inputted along).
  • Support to padding-y (ref: #400)

Define y axis padding based on a format [top, left], default is [0, 0].


padding-y = [30, 10]
  • Update swash (0.1.18), ab_glyph (0.2.28) and remove double hashmap implementation.


  • Added support to font features (ref: #548 #551)
features = ["ss01", "ss02", "ss03", "ss04", "ss05", "ss06", "ss07", "ss08", "ss09"]

Note: Font features do not have support to live reload on configuration, so to reflect your changes, you will need to close and reopen Rio.

  • fix: Wayland - No input after first run #566.
  • fix: Mouse pointer location differs from selected text #573.
  • fix: IO Safety violation from dropping RawFd (fatal runtime error: IO Safety violation: owned file descriptor already closed).
  • Upgrade to Rust 1.80.0.


  • Upgrade wgpu to v22.0.0.
  • Restrict of cells width.
  • Wayland: update dependencies.
  • Wayland: avoid crashing when compositor is misbehaving. (ref: raphamorim/winit 22522c9b37e9734c9a2408fae8d34b2599ff4574).
  • Performance upgrades for lines rendered previously.


  • Fix the validation errors whenever a surface is used with the vulkan backend.
  • Clean up weak references to texture views and bind groups to prevent memory leaks.
  • Fix crashes whenever reading binary files.
  • Improvements on font loader (avoid set weight or style in the lookup if isn't defined).
  • Fallbacks fonts doesn't trigger alerts anymore.


Breaking change: Opacity API has changed

  • background-opacity has been renamed to opacity. It sets window background opacity.
  • Removed foreground-opacity property.
  • Removed support to DX11.


opacity = 0.8
  • Major rewrite on sugarloaf.
    • New rendering architecture.
    • Sugarloaf now uses same render pass for each render.
    • Ignore equal renderers.
    • Compute layout updates only if layout is different.
  • BottomTab navigation is now default for Linux and Windows.
  • Support to font ligatures.
  • Support bluetooth access on MacOs.
  • Upgraded wgpu to 0.20.0.
  • Support "open here" for Microsoft Windows.
  • Fixes on font search for Microsoft Windows.
  • Open Url support for MacOS.
  • All tabs/window instances now use same font data.
  • Disabled line-height configuration in this version (it will be re added eventually).
  • Updated ttf-parser and memmap2 on sugarloaf.

Bug fixes

  • closed: #514 Odd background transparency on macOS (Intel)
  • closed: #398 Neovim and Helix rendering with line spacing
  • closed: #512 Visible lines on transparent background
  • closed: #491 Noticeable text update
  • closed: #476 Glyphs have very weird rendering
  • closed: #422 Background opacity
  • closed: #355 Issues with double-width chars
  • closed: #259 Sugarloaf: Positioning glyphs
  • closed: #167 Tab bar overlaps text
  • closed: #328 Some font issues
  • closed: #225 Doesn't work with touchscreen
  • closed: #307 default offset height is above the bottom position since update
  • closed: #392 Box drawing issue with Berkeley Mono on MacOS


  • Minor fix on fixed transparency on backgrounds for Welcome/Dialog.


  • Corrections for transparency and blur for MacOS windows.
  • Apply dynamic background logic only for images and keep alpha channel on background.


  • Breaking change: Reduced font size to 16.0.
  • Breaking change: Set VI mode trigger with CTRL + SHIFT + SPACE on Windows.
  • Update winit to 0.30.0.
  • Update rust version to 1.77.2.
  • Initial touch support by @androw #226


  • fixes for x11 freeze issue.
  • update winit to 0.29.15.
  • update wix (toolset that builds Windows Installer) from 4.0.1 to 4.0.4.


  • Bump wayland dependencies: wayland-backend, wayland-client, wayland-cursor and wayland-scanner.
  • Refactor: disable cursor blink on selection (ref #437) #441 by @hougesen .
  • Rewrite hash logic to use BuildHasher::hash_one.
  • Report focus change https://terminalguide.namepad.de/mode/p1004/.
  • update rust version to 1.75.0.
  • update winit to 0.29.11.


  • use Fowler–Noll–Vo hash function implementation for sugar cache (more efficient for smaller hash keys)
  • update winit to 0.29.9


  • Breaking: Removed macos-hide-toolbar-buttons in favor of window.decorations api.
  • Fix: Rio failing to draw blur upon launch #379
  • Fix: Window transparency does not work on X11 #361
  • Added support for path based color automation.
  • Added window.decorations property, available options are Enabled, Disabled, Transparent and Buttonless.


  • Fix: font order priority.
  • Fix: add default values to keyboard config (#382)


  • Breaking: Configuration performance has moved to renderer.performance.

  • Breaking: Configuration disable-renderer-when-unfocused has moved to renderer.disable-renderer-when-unfocused.

  • Breaking: Configuration use-kitty-keyboard-protocol has moved to keyboard.use-kitty-keyboard-protocol.

  • Introduction of new configuration property called keyboard.

use-kitty-keyboard-protocol = false
disable-ctlseqs-alt = false
  • Introduction of keyboard.disable-ctlseqs-alt: Disable ctlseqs with ALT keys. It is useful for example if you would like Rio to replicate Terminal.app, since it does not deal with ctlseqs with ALT keys

  • Introduction of new configuration property called renderer.

performance = "High"
disable-renderer-when-unfocused = false
backend = "Automatic"

# backend options:
# Automatic: Leave Sugarloaf/WGPU to decide
# GL: Supported on Linux/Android, and Windows and macOS/iOS via ANGLE
# Vulkan: Supported on Windows, Linux/Android
# DX12: Supported on Windows 10
# DX11: Supported on Windows 7+
# Metal: Supported on macOS/iOS
  • Fix: update padding top on config change #378 by @hougesen
  • Fixed bug where color automation did not work on Linux because of line ending character.
  • Fix: Control + Up/Down don't works as expected on neovim #371
  • Fix: remove duplicate kitty backspace keybinds #375 by @hougesen
  • Fix: Kitty-keyboard-protocol causes Backspace to delete 2 characters. #344 by @hougesen


  • Fix regression with color ansi when transparency is off.
  • Breaking: Config navigation.macos-hide-window-buttons has moved to window.macos-hide-toolbar-buttons.
  • Breaking: Config property padding-x has been updated from 5.0 to 0.0 on MacOS.


  • Fix compiled binary shows nothing inside the app window #366.
  • Fix command key + left and right strange behavior #359.
  • New scroll API: Scroll calculation for canonical mode will be based on (accumulated scroll * multiplier / divider) so if you want quicker scroll, keep increasing the multiplier if you want to reduce you increase the divider. Can use both properties also to find the best scroll for you:
multiplier = 3.0
divider = 1.0
  • Corrections for TMUX scroll calculations.


  • Breaking: Settings UI has been removed and editor property has been added.
  • Breaking: default padding-x for MacOS has moved from 10.0 to 5.0.
  • Breaking: Background API has moved to Window


width = 600
height = 400
mode = "Windowed"
foreground-opacity = 1.0
background-opacity = 1.0

Using image as background:

path = "/Users/rapha/Desktop/eastward.jpg"
width = 200.0
height = 200.0
x = 0.0
y = 0.0
  • Breaking: MacOS default navigation mode will become NativeTab.
  • Support for blur background.
  • Support opacity for foreground and background.
  • Cursor hide feature is now behind configuration hide-cursor-when-typing.
  • Confirm before quite (it can be disabled through configuration confirm-before-quit).
  • Close the last tab in MacOS when using command + w (Ref: #296)
  • OSC 8 (Hyperlinks).
  • Fix current path on new tab is not working when using Native Tab (Ref #323).
  • Change POLLING_TIMEOUT for configuration update from 1s to 2s.
  • Update .icns file with more format and add new icon (Ref: #329) by @nix6839.
  • Update .ico files with more resolution and add new icon (Ref: #329) by @nix6839.


  • Activate the hyperlink check whenever a modifier is changed (alt for windows/linux/bsd and command for macos).
  • Fix Error when Double click on terminal side (Ref #316).


  • Upgrade winit to 0.29.3.
  • Support for Run actions key bindings for Microsoft Windows.
  • Hyperlink support (Ref #60)


  • Upgrade wgpu to 0.18.0.
  • Desktop OpenGL 3.3+ Support on Windows through WebGPU.
  • Display the shell name on the tab title for MacOS Native Tab (Ref #311 by @eduronqui).
  • Fix VI cursor disappearing whenever perform a scroll..
  • Fix flagged dimmed colors (cases where it does not comes from rgb index).
  • Fix MacOS fullscreen empty space on margin top.
  • Upgrade winit to 0.29.2.


  • Improvements on selection text for scale factor >= 2.0.
  • Improvements on cursor sugar creation, dropped unnecessary usage of clone.
  • Colors/Themes got a new property called vi-cursor, you can specify any color you wish for VI Cursor.
  • Alacritty's VI Mode.


Breaking changes

  • navigation.mode = "Plain" now only shutdowns the key bindings related to tab creation/manipulation.
  • ignore-selection-fg-color has been renamed to ignore-selection-foreground-color.
  • Kitty keyboard protocol has been disabled by default in this version, for enable it you need to use use-kitty-keyboard-protocol = true.
  • CollapsedTab is not based on reverse order anymore.
  • Actions SelectTab1, SelectTab2, ..., SelectTab9 have been removed in favor of the new select tab API:
keys = [
{ key = "1", with = "super", action = "SelectTab(0)" },
{ key = "2", with = "super", action = "SelectTab(1)" },
{ key = "3", with = "super", action = "SelectTab(2)" }
  • Actions ScrollLineUp and ScrollLineDown have been removed in favor of the new Scroll API:
keys = [
# Scroll up 8 lines
{ key = "up", with = "super", action = "Scroll(8)" },
# Scroll down 5 lines
{ key = "down", with = "super", action = "Scroll(-5)" }

Other changes

  • Rendering performance small improvements towards to Sugar text for regular font, dropped in redundancy processing (avg 68ms to 22ms with tests using 155x94 without repetition like vim Cargo.lock).
  • Rendering performance small improvements towards to Sugar rect calculation, dropped in redundancy processing. Now Sugarloaf computes better Rects duplication in a line. It gains significant performance for large screens (avg ~12ms).
  • Fix Backspace behaviour misplace on Windows (Ref https://github.com/raphamorim/rio/issues/220).
  • ClearHistory key binding is available to use per configuration file.
  • Introduce Alacritty's VI Mode (Ref https://github.com/raphamorim/rio/issues/186).
  • Implement ClearSelection key binding action.
  • Fix Cursor shape isn't restored (Ref https://github.com/raphamorim/rio/issues/279).
  • Fix color automation for breadcrumb mode (Ref https://github.com/raphamorim/rio/issues/251).
  • Fix text copy (OSC 52) is broken (tmux, zellij) (Ref https://github.com/raphamorim/rio/issues/276).
  • Fix lines calculation for different fonts.
  • Fix bug whenever is not closing terminal for non native tabs (Ref https://github.com/raphamorim/rio/issues/255).
  • Removal of hide cursor functionality when start to type for all platforms besides Apple MacOS.
  • Support to new scroll action API key binding.
  • Support to new select tab action API key binding.
  • Support to execute programs as actions for key bindings:
keys = [
{ key = "p", with = "super", action = "Run(code)" },
{ key = "o", with = "super", action = "Run(sublime ~/.config/rio/config.toml)" }
  • Upgrade rust to 1.73.0 by @igorvieira.


  • Now you can add extra fonts to load:
extras = [{ family = "Microsoft JhengHei" }]
  • Added ScrollLineUp, ScrollLineDown, ScrollHalfPageUp, ScrollHalfPageDown, ScrollToTopand ScrollToBottom to bindings.
  • Fix japanese characters on Microsoft Windows (Ref: https://github.com/raphamorim/rio/issues/266).
  • Navigation fonts now use the CascadiaCode built-in font and cannot be changed.
  • Proper select adapter with is_srgb filter check.
  • Switched to queue rendering instead of use staging_belt.
  • Fixed leaks whenever buffer dropped map callbacks.
  • Forked and embedded glyph-brush project to sugarloaf. Glyph-brush was originally created @alexheretic and is licensed under Apache-2.0 license.
  • Upgrade wgpu to 0.17.1.




Breaking change

Configuration properties: window_height, window_width and window_opacity has been moved to a new window/background API:

# Window configuration
# • width - define the initial window width.
# Default: 600
# • height - define the initial window height.
# Default: 400
# • mode - define how the window will be created
# - "Windowed" (default) is based on width and height
# - "Maximized" window is created with maximized
# - "Fullscreen" window is created with fullscreen
width = 600
height = 400
mode = "Windowed"

# Background configuration
# • opacity - changes the background transparency state
# Default: 1.0
# • mode - defines background mode between "Color" and "Image"
# Default: Color
# • image - Set an image as background
# Default: None
mode = "Image"
opacity = 1.0
path = "/Users/rapha/Desktop/eastward.jpg"
width = 200.0
height = 200.0
x = 0.0
  • Fix for retrieving shell environment variable when running inside of Flatpak sandbox (Ref: https://github.com/raphamorim/rio/issues/198).
  • Rio terminal is now also available in crates.io: https://crates.io/crates/rioterm .
  • Added navigation.mode = "Plain", it basically disables all platform key bindings for tabs, windows and panels creation (Ref https://github.com/raphamorim/rio/issues/213).
  • Support for blinking cursor (Ref: https://github.com/raphamorim/rio/issues/137) (this option is not enabled by default).
  • Migrated font-kit to a custom font loader.
  • Support to MacOS tile window positioning feature (left or right).
  • Added support to MacOS display native top bar items.
  • Support to adaptive theme (theme selection based on user system theme variant dark or light).
  • Implemented ScrollPageUp, ScrollPageDown, ScrollHalfPageUp, ScrollHalfPageDown, ScrollToTop, ScrollToBottom, ScrollLineUp, ScrollLineDown (Ref: https://github.com/raphamorim/rio/issues/206).
  • Support to fonts.family (it overwrites regular, bold, bold-italic and italic font families).
  • Added a welcome screen UI.
  • Added a settings UI.
  • Exposes RIO_CONFIG environment variable that contains the path of the configuration.
  • Rio creates a configuration file with all defaults if does not exist.
  • Added OpenConfigEditor key binding for all platforms.
  • Configuration property editor was removed.
  • Created Assistant, Rio terminal UI for display error (Ref: https://github.com/raphamorim/rio/issues/168).
  • Fix 'Backspace' keypress triggers Ctrl+h keybinding in Zellij instead of deleting character. (Ref: https://github.com/raphamorim/rio/issues/197).
  • Implemented TERM_PROGRAM and TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION (Ref: https://github.com/raphamorim/rio/issues/200).
  • Whenever native tabs is on disable macos deadzone logic.


  • Upgraded to Rust 1.72.0.
  • Fix delete key inputs square character.
  • Fix Breadcrumb navigation crash.


Breaking changes

  • Configuration font does not work anymore, a new configuration API of font selection has been introduced.
size = 18

family = "cascadiamono"
style = "normal"
weight = 400

family = "cascadiamono"
style = "normal"
weight = 800

family = "cascadiamono"
style = "italic"
weight = 400

family = "cascadiamono"
style = "italic"
weight = 800
  • Action TabSwitchNext and TabSwitchPrev has been renamed to SelectNextTab and SelectPrevTab.

Rest of 0.0.17 changelog

  • Support to NativeTab (MacOS only).
  • Support for kitty's keyboard protocol (CSI u). Ref: https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty/keyboard-protocol/
  • Added new actions for tab selection: SelectTab1, SelectTab2, SelectTab3, SelectTab4, SelectTab5, SelectTab6, SelectTab7, SelectTab8, SelectTab9, SelectLastTab.
  • Support lowercased action and fix overwrite for actions in custom key bindings.
  • Added action Minimize for minimize Rio terminal window.
  • Added action ClearHistory for clear terminal saved history.
  • Added action ReceiveChar for custom key bindings.
  • New default key bindings for Linux and Windows so that conflicts with readline key bindings are removed.
  • Winit Version 0.29.1-beta.
  • Allow paste with the middle mouse of the button (fixes https://github.com/raphamorim/rio/issues/123).
  • Support startup notify protocol to raise initial window on Wayland/X11.
  • Fix Double-tap by touchpad on the titlebar doesn't maximize/unmaximize the window in GNOME 44, Wayland.


  • Fix tab/breadcrumb bug introduced in 0.0.15
  • Introduce new configuration property: navigation.macos-hide-window-button.


  • Introduce configurable navigation with the following options: CollapsedTab (default), Breadcrumb, TopTab and BottomTab.

An example of configuration:

mode = "BottomTab"
use-current-path = true
clickable = false
  • Performance improvements with Sugarloaf de-duplication of input data.
    • Before: ~253.5µs.
    • Now: ~51.5µs.
  • Introduce navigation.use-current-path which sets if a tab/breacrumb should be open from the current context path.
  • Fix rendering unicode with 1 width glyphs (fix #160).
  • Increased max tabs from 9 to 20.
  • Default colors selection-foreground and selection-background has changed.
  • Default colors tab and tab-active has changed.


  • Implementation of custom key bindings (#117).
  • Fix .deb packing in GH Actions.
  • Fix key binding for switch tab next (MacOS only).
  • Fix scroll when copying text outside of offset.
  • Fix copy key bindings.


  • Fix Fuzzy Finder issue (#132).
  • Introduce Copa (Alacritty's VTE forked version to introduce new sequences/instructions in next versions).
  • Upgraded Winit to 0.29.0-beta.0.
  • Support for keybindings with dead keys.
  • Back/Forward mouse buttons support in bindings.
  • Fix unconditional query of xdg-portal settings on Wayland.
  • Fix Maximized startup mode not filling the screen properly on GNOME Wayland.
  • Fix Default Vi key bindings for Last/First actions not working on X11/Wayland.
  • Set padding-x to 0 for non-macos.
  • Set app_id/WM_CLASS property on Wayland/X11.


  • Strip binary is on for release builds.
  • Each paste or key binding that has writing leads to clear selection and scroll bottom.
  • Fixed over-rendering when scrolling.
  • Fix selection.
  • Support to copy using VIM.
  • Fix for MacOS deadzone changing cursor to draggable on window buttons.
  • Fix for scroll using tmux.


  • Fix for font styles using CachedSugar.


  • Major refactor of Sugarloaf.
    • Performance improvements around 80-110%.
    • Introduced CachedSugar.
    • Usage of PixelScale.
    • Line-height support.
  • Open new tab using the current tab directory.
  • Fix some symbols break the horizontal and vertical alignment of lines (ref #148).
  • Fix font size configuration is confusing (ref #139).
  • Fix Glyph not rendered in prompt (ref: #135).
  • Use fork by default in context tests.
  • Updated terminfo.
  • Increased default font size to 18.
  • Move to next and prev tab using keybindings.
  • Setting editor by keybindings and new property called editor in configuration file.
  • Rio creates .deb packages (canary and release).
  • Binary size optimization (ref: #152) by [@OlshaMB]


  • Created "rio" terminfo.
  • Breaking changes for configuration file regarding Advanced. The configuration Advanced has moved to root level and disable-render-when-unfocused renamed to disable-unfocused-render.


theme = "dracula"

disable-render-when-unfocused = true


theme = "dracula"
disable-unfocused-render = true
  • Support to spawn and fork processes, spawn has became default. Spawn increases Rio compatibility in a broad range, like old MacOS versions (older or equal to Big Sur). However, If you want to use Rio terminal to fork processes instead of spawning processes, enable use-fork in the configuration file:
use-fork = true
  • Introduced RIO_LOG_LEVEL variable usage. (e.g: RIO_LOG_LEVEL=debug rio -e "echo 1")
  • Increased max tabs from 6 to 9.
  • Fix Incorrect cursor position when using multi-byte characters (Ref: #127)
  • Fix bug "black screen with nearly zero interactivity" and new tab hanging.
  • Fix cursor disappearing after resize.
  • Introduction of shell and working_dir in configuration file.
  • Multi window support #97.
  • Corrections on select and scroll experience (it was using wrongly font-bound for line calculation).
  • Add selection color to the theme config (closed #125).
  • Implemented Inverse (fix #92).
  • Proper choose formats that matches with TextureFormat::is_srgb (it fixed the Vulkan driver, related #122).
  • Corcovado: Filter windows crate dependency to only Windows targets (related: #119).
  • Teletypewriter: Fixes for musl as target_env (related: #119).
  • FreeBSD support, implementation by yurivict (Commit, Ref: #115)


  • Added generation of .msi and .exe files to the release pipeline (stable and canary).
  • Support to Microsoft Windows.
  • Ability to in|decrease font size using keyboard shortcut during session (ref: #109)
  • Inverted Canary and Stable icons.
  • ANSI mouse reports (e.g: scroll and click working on VIM).
  • Scroll and apply selection.
  • Semantic and line selection.
  • Rio is available in Homebrew casks (ref github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-cask/pull/149824).
  • Rio stable versions are notarized now.
  • Migration of mio, mio-extras, mio-signal-hook to Corcovado.
  • Changed default black color to #4c4345.
  • Fix mouse position for when selecting text.


  • Breaking changes for configuration file regarding Style property.


performance = "High"
font-size = 18
theme = "lucario"


performance = "High"
theme = "lucario"
font-size = 18
  • Fix Background color not entirely set on vim #88
  • Scroll now works for x11 and wayland.
  • No longer renders to macos and x11 windows that are fully occluded / not directly visible.
  • Introduced window-opacity config property for WebAssembly and Wayland builds.
  • Add permissions instructions to Rio macos builds (Fix #99).
  • Fixes for x11 and wayland rendering (Related: #98 and #100).
  • Performance fixes (Related: #101).
  • Sugarloaf WebAssembly support.
  • Fixed resize for all contexts: removed the glitch when resizing and switching between tabs.
  • Fixed cursor inconsistencies #95.
  • Added command line interface support (--help, --version, -e and --command).
  • Added a fallback for WPGU request device operation: downlevel limits, which will allow the code to run on all possible hardware.
  • Added padding-x to configuration.
  • Reload automatically when the configuration file is changed (#69).
  • Fix Ctrl+D.
  • Fix exit command not closing the app (#87).
  • Changed default light-black color.


  • Fix: support to clipboard in linux by @joseemds.
  • Font style for custom fonts by @OlshaMB (closed #80 and #81)
  • Text styles Underline and Strikethrough (closed #79).
  • Update default colors for tabs/tabs-active.
  • Tabs support.
  • Fix rendering tab and hidden chars by replacing to space by @niuez, (closed #56).
  • Block cursor hover a character and still allow it to be visible.
  • Support to caret Beam and Underline cursor #67 by @niuez.
  • Fix panics if custom font is not found #68.
  • MacOs ignore alt key in cntrlseq (same behavior as Terminal.app, Hyper, iTerm and etecetera).



  • Fix CPU large usage when scrolling.
  • Task scheduler.
  • Copy feature.
  • Selection feature (selection doesn't work when scrolling yet).
  • Change default cursor icon for Text (winit::window::CursorIcon).
  • Scroll bottom when display offset is different than zero.
  • Fix for user interaction "close Rio terminal" using UI interface (ExitWithCode(0)).
  • Hide cursor when typing and make it visible again with scroll and cursor interactions.
  • Implementation of paste files to string path.


  • Added Input Method Engine (IME) support. Note: only works for preedit with single character now, which means that still need to fix for other keyboards as Japanese, Chinese [...].
  • Common Keybindings and keybindings for MacOS.
  • Allow to configure option-as-alt for Winit on MacOs. Issue originally bought by Alacritty on Winit (https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/768).
  • Allow to configure environment variables through config file.
  • Stabilization of Sugarloaf render on emojis, symbols and unicode.


  • log-level as configurable (DEBUG, INFO, TRACE, ERROR, WARN and OFF). OFF by default.
  • Introduction of rendering engine called Sugarloaf.
  • System font loader (tested and implemented for MacOs).
  • Font loader with not native emoji font (emojis aren't stable yet).
  • Rect renderer based on provided color (text background), stabilized for monospaced fonts.


  • Basic move/goto functionalities.
  • Initial definition of Rio default colors.
  • Set and reset color by ANSI parser.
  • Clear/Tabs functionalities.
  • Grid introduction.
  • Desktop delta scroll (up and down, without scrollbar UI component).
  • Teletypewriter 2.0.0 usage for macos and linux.
  • Resize support.
  • $SHELL login on macos, by default: /bin/zsh --login (if $SHELL is settled as other could as run /bin/bash --login, /bin/fish --login ...).
  • Cursor initial support (without VI mode).