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Version: 0.1.x

Configuration file

The configuration should be the following paths otherwise Rio will use the default configuration.

MacOS and Linux configuration file path is ~/.config/rio/config.toml.

Windows configuration file path is C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\rio\config.toml (replace "USER" with your user name).

Updates to the configuration file automatically triggers Rio to render the terminal with the new configuration.


Default cursor is Block.

Other available options are: _ and |

cursor = '▇'

Line height

This option will apply an modifier to line-height.

line-height = 1.0

Example with line-height as 1.6

Demo line height 1.6


Default editor is vi.

Whenever the key binding OpenConfigEditor is triggered it will use the value of the editor along with the rio configuration path.

An example, considering you have VS Code installed and you want to use it as your editor:

editor = 'code'

Whenever OpenConfigEditor runs it will trigger $ code <path-to-rio-configuration-file>.

Blinking Cursor

Default is false

blinking-cursor = false

Hide cursor when typing

Default is false

hide-cursor-when-typing = false

Ignore theme selection foreground color

Default is false

ignore-selection-foreground-color = false


Rio looks for a specified theme in the themes folder.

  • MacOS and Linux: ~/.config/rio/themes/dracula.toml
  • Windows: C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\rio\themes\dracula.toml
theme = "dracula"


Define x axis padding (default is 0)

padding-x = 10

Option as Alt

This config only works on MacOS.

Possible choices: both, left and right.

option-as-alt = 'left'

Startup directory

Directory the shell is started in. If this is unset the working directory of the parent process will be used.

This configuration only works if use-fork is disabled.

working-dir = "/Users/raphael/Documents/"

Environment variables

env-vars = []

Use fork

Defaults for POSIX-based systems (Windows is not configurable):

  • MacOS: spawn processes
  • Linux/BSD: fork processes
use-fork = false

Confirm before quitting

Require confirmation before quitting (Default: true).

confirm-before-quit = true


  • width - define the initial window width.

    • Default: 600
  • height - define the initial window height.

    • Default: 400
  • mode - define how the window will be created

    • Windowed (default) is based on width and height
    • Maximized window is created with maximized
    • Fullscreen window is created with fullscreen
  • opacity Set window background opacity.

    • Default: 1.0.
  • blur Set blur on the window background. Changing this config requires restarting Rio to take effect.

    • Default: false.
  • background-image Set an image as background.

    • Default: None
  • decorations - Set window decorations

    • Enabled (default) enable window decorations.
    • Disabled disable all window decorations.
    • Transparent window decorations with transparency.
    • Buttonless remove buttons from window decorations.


width = 600
height = 400
mode = "Windowed"
opacity = 1.0
blur = false
decorations = "Enabled"

Using blur and background opacity:

opacity = 0.5
blur = true

Demo blur and background opacity

Demo blur and background opacity 2

Using image as background:

path = "/Users/hugoamor/Desktop/musashi.png"
opacity = 0.5
width = 400.0
height = 400.0
x = 0.0
y = -100.0

Demo image as background


  • Performance - Set WGPU rendering performance

    • High: Adapter that has the highest performance. This is often a discrete GPU.
    • Low: Adapter that uses the least possible power. This is often an integrated GPU.
  • Backend - Set WGPU rendering backend

    • Automatic: Leave Sugarloaf/WGPU to decide
    • GL: Supported on Linux/Android, and Windows and macOS/iOS via ANGLE
    • Vulkan: Supported on Windows, Linux/Android
    • DX12: Supported on Windows 10
    • Metal: Supported on macOS/iOS
  • disable-unfocused-render - This property disable renderer processes while Rio is unfocused.


performance = "High"
backend = "Automatic"
disable-unfocused-render = false


Configure fonts used by the terminal.

Note: You can set different font families but Rio terminal will always look for regular font bounds whene

You can also set family on root to overwrite all fonts.

family = "cascadiamono"

You can also specify extra fonts to load:

extras = [{ family = "Microsoft JhengHei" }]

The font configuration default:

size = 18

family = "cascadiamono"
style = "normal"
weight = 400

family = "cascadiamono"
style = "normal"
weight = 800

family = "cascadiamono"
style = "italic"
weight = 400

family = "cascadiamono"
style = "italic"
weight = 800


  • use-kitty-keyboard-protocol - Enable Kitty Keyboard protocol

  • disable-ctlseqs-alt - Disable ctlseqs with ALT keys

    • Useful for example if you would like Rio to replicate, since it does not deal with ctlseqs with ALT keys


use-kitty-keyboard-protocol = false
disable-ctlseqs-alt = false


You can change how many lines are scrolled each time by setting this option. Scroll calculation for canonical mode will be based on lines = (accumulated scroll * multiplier / divider).

If you want a quicker scroll, keep increasing the multiplier. If you want to reduce scroll speed you will need to increase the divider.

You can combine both properties to find the best scroll for you.

  • Multiplier default is 3.0.
  • Divider default is 1.0.


multiplier = 3.0
divider = 1.0
  • mode - Define navigation mode

    • NativeTab (MacOS only)
    • CollapsedTab
    • BottomTab
    • TopTab
    • Breadcrumb
    • Plain
  • clickable - Enable click on tabs to switch.

  • use-current-path - Use same path whenever a new tab is created (Note: requires use-fork to be set to false).

  • color-automation - Set a specific color for the tab whenever a specific program is running, or in a specific directory.

mode = "CollapsedTab"
clickable = false
use-current-path = false
color-automation = []


You can set shell.program to the path of your favorite shell, e.g. /bin/fish.

Entries in shell.args are passed unmodified as arguments to the shell.


  • (macOS) user login shell
  • (Linux/BSD) user login shell
  • (Windows) powershell

Shell Examples

  1. MacOS using fish shell from bin path:
program = "/bin/fish"
args = ["--login"]
  1. Windows using powershell:
program = "pwsh"
args = []
  1. Windows using powershell with login:
program = "pwsh"
args = ["-l"]
  1. MacOS with tmux installed by homebrew:
program = "/opt/homebrew/bin/tmux"
args = ["new-session", "-c", "/var/www"]


Defining colors in the configuration file will not have any effect if you're using a theme.

The default configuration is without a theme.


background = '#0F0D0E'
foreground = '#F9F4DA'
cursor = '#F38BA3'
tabs = '#443d40'
tabs-active = '#F38BA3'
green = '#0BA95B'
red = '#ED203D'
blue = '#12B5E5'
yellow = '#FCBA28'


You can create custom key bindings for Rio terminal, more information

keys = [
{ key = "q", with = "super", action = "Quit" },
# Bytes[27, 91, 53, 126] is equivalent to "\x1b[5~"
{ key = "home", with = "super | shift", bytes = [27, 91, 53, 126] },

Log level

This property enables log level filter. Default is "OFF".

log-level = "OFF"

If you have any suggestion of configuration ideas to Rio, please feel free to open an issue.