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  • width - define the initial window width.

    • Default: 600
  • height - define the initial window height.

    • Default: 400
  • mode - define how the window will be created

    • Windowed (default) is based on width and height
    • Maximized window is created with maximized
    • Fullscreen window is created with fullscreen
  • opacity Set window background opacity.

    • Default: 1.0.
  • blur Set blur on the window background. Changing this config requires restarting Rio to take effect.

    • Default: false.
  • background-image Set an image as background.

    • Default: None
  • decorations - Set window decorations

    • Enabled (default for Windows/Linux/BSD) enable window decorations.
    • Disabled disable all window decorations.
    • Transparent (default for MacOS) window decorations with transparency.
    • Buttonless remove buttons from window decorations.


width = 600
height = 400
mode = "Windowed"
opacity = 1.0
blur = false
decorations = "Enabled"

Using blur and background opacity:

opacity = 0.5
decorations = "enabled"
blur = true

Demo blur and background opacity

Demo blur and background opacity 2

Using image as background:

If both properties width and height are occluded then background image will use the terminal width/height.

path = "/Users/hugoamor/Desktop/musashi.png"
opacity = 0.5
x = 0.0
y = -100.0

Demo image as background

If any property width or height are used then background image will be respected.

path = "/Users/hugoamor/Desktop/harvest-moon.png"
width = 1200
height = 800
opacity = 0.5
x = 0.0
y = 0.0

Demo image as background