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Default key bindings


Open configurationCommand + Comma (,)
Toggle VI ModeAlt + Shift + Space
CopyCommand + C
PasteCommand + V
Create new windowCommand + N
Create new tabCommand + T
Move to next tabControl + Tab or Command + Shift + RightBracket (])
Move to previous tabControl + Shift + Tab or Command + Shift + LeftBracket ([)
Increase font sizeCommand + Plus (+)
Decrease font sizeCommand + Minus (-)
Reset font sizeCommand + 0
Minimize windowCommand + M
QuitCommand + Q
Close tabCommand + W
Select the first tabCommand + 1
Select the second tabCommand + 2
Select the third tabCommand + 3
Select the fourth tabCommand + 4
Select the fifth tabCommand + 5
Select the sixth tabCommand + 6
Select the seventh tabCommand + 7
Select the eighth tabCommand + 8
Select the last tabCommand + 9
Search forwardCommand + f
Search backwardCommand + b


Open configurationControl + Shift + Comma (,)
Toggle VI ModeControl + Shift + Space
CopyControl + Shift + C
PasteControl + Shift + V
Create new windowControl + Shift + N
Create new tabControl + Shift + T
Move to next tabControl + Tab or Control + Shift + RightBracket (])
Move to previous tabControl + Shift + Tab Control + Shift + LeftBracket ([)
Increase font sizeControl + Plus (+)
Decrease font sizeControl + Minus (-)
Reset font sizeControl + 0
Close tab or quitControl + Shift + W
Select the first tabControl + Shift + 1
Select the second tabControl + Shift + 2
Select the third tabControl + Shift + 3
Select the fourth tabControl + Shift + 4
Select the fifth tabControl + Shift + 5
Select the sixth tabControl + Shift + 6
Select the seventh tabControl + Shift + 7
Select the eighth tabControl + Shift + 8
Select the last tabControl + Shift + 9
Search forwardControl + Shift + f
Search backwardControl + Shift + b

Linux and BSD

Open configurationControl + Shift + Comma (,)
Toggle VI ModeAlt + Shift + Space
CopyControl + Shift + C
PasteControl + Shift + V
Create new windowControl + Shift + N
Create new tabControl + Shift + T
Move to next tabControl + Tab or Control + Shift + RightBracket (])
Move to previous tabControl + Shift + Tab or Control + Shift + LeftBracket ([)
Increase font sizeControl + Plus (+)
Decrease font sizeControl + Minus (-)
Reset font sizeControl + 0
Close tab or quitControl + Shift + W
Select the first tabControl + Shift + 1
Select the second tabControl + Shift + 2
Select the third tabControl + Shift + 3
Select the fourth tabControl + Shift + 4
Select the fifth tabControl + Shift + 5
Select the sixth tabControl + Shift + 6
Select the seventh tabControl + Shift + 7
Select the eighth tabControl + Shift + 8
Select the last tabControl + Shift + 9
Search forwardControl + Shift + f
Search backwardControl + Shift + b
Quit searchEscape (while search is open)
Quit searchControl + c (while search is open)
Focus nextEnter (while search is open)
Focus previousShift + Enter (while search is open)
Clear search wordControl + w (while search is open)
Search history previousControl + p (while search is open)
Search history previousArrowUp (while search is open)
Search history nextControl + n (while search is open)
Search history nextArrowDown (while search is open)